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Image of Aisling Edwards

Aisling Edwards


Graduating in 2021 with a BA in Photography, Aisling Edwards has developed her practice by recording her sculptures, born from, and of the, landscape. 

Image of Aisling Edwards


Aisling Edwards


Graduating in 2021 with a BA in Photography, Aisling Edwards has developed her practice by recording her sculptures, born from, and of the, landscape. 


Although a  young and emerging Artist, Aisling's work has already attracted some high profile and international attention including a solo exhibition of her work at the Canwood Gallery and Sculptural Gardens. 


While exhibiting at the Newlyn Art Gallery, Cornwall, her work was seen by members of the G7 countries. More recently her work has been exhibited in Italy and Germany. 


In March 2024 two of Edwards’ photographs, ‘Offa spoke’ and ‘Perished in One Hour’, were exhibited at the Milan International Photography Fair, under the ‘Erik Kessels: Welcome to My Unknown Award – 1ST Edition’ Award’, where nine emerging contemporary artists under the age of 35 and engaged with photography as an artistic language were selected globally.


Her interest in geographical change and the effects of humankind on our environment has led her to construct sculptural interventions using site specific materials to mark her observations of, and response to, the landscape.  Using the vocabulary of landscape she plays with movement, light and change.


Her sculptures are temporary and captured on film to provide a permanent record and evidence of their existence.


Working in this way enables Edwards to reach a wider audience and promote the idea that landscape art can have a meaning and depth that goes beyond the surface, creating tableaux and moments that will in themselves become part of the landscape and follow nature's pattern of growth and decay. 


Each sculpture works with the movement, light and change within the landscape - its natural rhythms of growth and decay - and where left within a location her sculpture becomes a performance between humanity and nature.  


A departure for First Of March, we believe this wonderful young sculptor and photographer will create innovative and meaningful pieces that draw our attention to the issues of climate change and sustainability for future generations. 


If you would like to find our more you can see more images of her work in her gallery above or enquire about creating a bespoke landscape sculpture as part of an event or project. 

Commission a Bespoke Piece from Aisling Edwards

Commission a bespoke piece from Aisling Edwards

Enquire about your own location specific sculpture created for your own special landscape with bespoke imagery to record the making, installation and decay. 


If you have a favourite landscape and want to capture or disseminate your own specific narrative within it, contact Aisling below.


Each commission is a collaborative process, where Aisling Edwards will involve you in each part of the making - beginning a dialogue with her that adds an extra dimension to the final piece. 


If you would like to discuss an idea or project with Aisling Edwards, please complete the form below and Aisling will contact you for a no obligation conversation.

Image of Aisling Edwards

My Story


First-Class Honours in Photography from Falmouth University (2021),



April 2024, ‘MIA Photo Fair Milano, Erik Kessels: Welcome To My Unknown Award - 1st

Edition’, MiCo Allianz, via Gattamelata 13, Milan.


Solo Exhibitions

2024 ‘Shifting Perspectives: Aisling Edwards’ Landscapes in Flux’ Canwood Gallery and Sculptural Gardens

Herefordshire, UK.


Group Exhibitions

2024 Erik: Kessels Welcome To My Unknown Award – 1st Edition.

MIA Photo Fair Milan

MiCo Allianz, via Gattamelata 13, Milan

2023 Climate Art KSTN Project Space, Berlin, Germany

2022 Progress. On Contemporary Millepiani Exhibition Space, Rome, Italy

and Future Society



June 2022 Platfform Haf Peak Cymru, Abergavenny, Wales, UK



In December 2023 she spoke alongside Harvey Hood (Welsh Sculpture Trust and Council Member, Royal Society of British Sculptors) on the question “How does contemporary public sculpture transform our

landscape?”,  a talk commissioned by Cardiff University Centre of Creative Economy and

Monmouthshire County Council.