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Pitted & Carved Standing Form

Wendy Lawrence

This elemental sculpture captures the beauty of natural stone eroded by the force of nature. Bearing the scars of time, it draws us to the beauty and colour of decay - the smooth texture of the deep gouges contrasting with the blistered upper surface. 

Wave Form

Wendy Lawrence

Inspired by the geology of the North Wales coastline, the unusual colours within this piece echo the tones of a rockface bleached by the elements over time - the coastal story continued through the coral like structure of the piece. 


The clay is hand built and gouged before being glazed multiple times. Between glazing's titanium oxide is brushed onto the surface to give the soft yellow and greys of this beautiful and unusual piece.

Little Beggar (Bronze)

Martin Duffy

An unusual piece and a departure from Martin’s usual work, this quirky sculpture reflects his sense of fun while losing none of the detail and craftsmanship typical of a Martin Duffy sculpture.

Pouncing Fox Cub (Bronze)

Martin Duffy

In this naturalistic piece, Martin captures the stillness, poise and focus of the fox cub, showcasing his ability to create an energy and story behind the sculpture - that of the hunter and the hunted. 


Every detail is considered and beautifully observed - a hallmark of Martin’s work and his meticulous attention to detail in every stage of the sculpting process. 

Running Hare (Bronze)

Martin Duffy

This dramatic sculpture showcases Martin’s ability to create  a sense of movement and story - where has the hare come from, from whom is it running: what is it chasing, while capturing the strength and power of the hare in full flight at any given moment

Whispering Grass / Sibrwd y gwair

Ainsley Hillard

Tapestry double cloth. Cotton. (Original Artwork). 


The original jacquard woven tapestry is a double cloth. The weaving has cotton yarns in the warp and weft.


Care Instructions 

All Artwork is best preserved if care is taken to ensure they are correctly stored and displayed.



When tapestries are not hanging it is best to roll the tapestry with a core support. Use acid free paper and protect by covering with an inert material such as polyethylene Tyvek®.

If creases do appear in the textile during storage, then the tapestry can be carefully ironed on the reverse side using a low heat and a protective material between the iron and the textile surface.



Avoid hanging the artwork in direct sunlight.



The safest way to clean the tapestry is by vacuuming. Use the hoover nozzle and hold the nozzle 5 - 10cm above the textile to reduce the suction pressure. To prevent scuffing or pulling loose threads, cover the nozzle itself with muslin, fine net or stocking, which can be held on with an elastic band.

If the tapestry requires further cleaning, then wet cleaning or solvent cleaning should be undertaken by a professional.


For further advice and services visit The Textile Conservancy. or email:



Ainsley Hillard

Tapestry double cloth. Cotton. (Original Artwork)


The original jacquard woven tapestry is a double cloth. The weaving has cotton yarns in the warp and weft.


Care Instructions 

All Artwork is best preserved if care is taken to ensure they are correctly stored and displayed.



When tapestries are not hanging it is best to roll the tapestry with a core support. Use acid free paper and protect by covering with an inert material such as polyethylene Tyvek®.

If creases do appear in the textile during storage, then the tapestry can be carefully ironed on the reverse side using a low heat and a protective material between the iron and the textile surface.



Avoid hanging the artwork in direct sunlight.



The safest way to clean the tapestry is by vacuuming. Use the hoover nozzle and hold the nozzle 5 - 10cm above the textile to reduce the suction pressure. To prevent scuffing or pulling loose threads, cover the nozzle itself with muslin, fine net or stocking, which can be held on with an elastic band.

If the tapestry requires further cleaning, then wet cleaning or solvent cleaning should be undertaken by a professional.


For further advice and services visit The Textile Conservancy. or email: