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Inner Sanctuary

Martin Duffy

Edition number 4 of 6

Inner Sanctuary

Martin Duffy

Edition number 4 of 6

Large Boxing Hares

Martin Duffy

This dramatic limited edition piece captures the  movement and balance typical of a Martin Duffy sculpture. 

The larger scale allows Martin to amplify the detail of his smaller pieces to recreate the tension, urgency and drama that lies behind this annual rite of passage.

Little Beggar

Martin Duffy

An unusual piece and a departure from Martin’s usual work, this quirky sculpture reflects his sense of fun while losing none of the detail and craftsmanship typical of a Martin Duffy sculpture.


Wendy Lawrence

Reminiscent of stone circles and historic obelisks, this piece reflects Wendy’s fascination with stone and its place in the landscape. The unusual colouring echoes the soft tones which emerge within stone as it reacts to the weathering of  time, the curving mark through the clay an additional focal point to draw the observer into the piece.

Mouse on Fork

Martin Duffy

This small but exquisite study of a mouse is typical of a Martin Duffy sculpture, showcasing his ability to draw us to the curiosity of the mouse as it explores a garden habitat, creating a physical as well as visual story within the piece.

Nesting Harvest Mouse

Martin Duffy

This exquisitely observed study of a mouse in its natural habitat, showcases the meticulous attention to detail which characterises Martin’s work. 

One of a series of small animal sculptures, this piece demonstrates Martin’s skill in creating detailed, tactile pieces that invite the observer to touch as well as look.